Have you ever leaked on a cough, sneeze or laugh? Have you felt a sudden, overwhelming urge to urinate or defecate that is difficult to defer, when you’re nowhere near the toilet? Does this stop you from leaving the house and living your life? A women’s pelvic health physiotherapist may be able to help you to regain your ability to stay dry and clean.
There are a range of conditions with which women’s health physiotherapy can help you manage pelvic symptoms and conditions.
Common women’s health conditions we can assess and treat at Bodycode Integrative Wellbeing:
Incontinence / leaking
- Stress urinary incontinence
- Urge urinary incontinence
- Mixed urinary incontinence
- Faecal or flatus incontinence
Constipation (obstructive and/or fluid/fibre)
Post-void urinary retention / residual volume
Overactive bladder (OAB) (frequency and urgency)
Urethral hypermobility
OASIS recovery (obstetric anal sphincter injury)
Prolapse management (non-surgical)
- uterine, anterior, posterior and multi-compartment prolapse
Pelvic floor muscle training uptraining and downtraining
Pregnancy related pain:
- Pubic symphysis syndrome (anterior pelvic pain in pregnancy)
- SIJ pain (low back/pelvis)
- Low back pain
- Hip pain
- Varicose veins of the leg
- Varicose veins of the vulva
- Excessive swelling of the legs and feet
- Carpal tunnel syndrome / wrist pain
- Pelvic floor strength
- Birth preparation for pelvic floor
Postnatal pain and function
- de quervain’s / thumb pain
- OASIS recovery
- DRAM (abdominal separation)
- Mastitis management
- Functional strength and exercise
- Return to sport and exercise
- Return to work
Pilates matwork
Reformer pilates
Menopause related changes – exercise management
Low bone density and osteoporosis – bone strength and falls prevention
Return to exercise after joint replacement surgery
What to expect in your women’s pelvic health physiotherapy consults:
- Detailed discussion of your symptoms
- Assessment of the function of your pelvic muscles (if relevant)
- Initial management strategies
- Multi-day symptom tracking using validated assessment tools for specific diagnosis and analysis of bladder or bowel function
- Ongoing management strategies and treatments
- Home exercise program and / or lifestyle advice to reduce bothersome symptoms
- Referral for specialist assessment or management as appropriate
For referrers:
Sarah’s women’s pelvic health training is through APA Women’s Pelvic Health Level 2
Specific assessments may include
- Bladder diary (SR-BD)
- Bowel diary
- external ano-perineal examination
- Internal examination (vaginal examination, DRE)
- TARTUS (coming soon)
Treatments offered
Sacral TENS
PFMT for strength, endurance, speed, power
EMG biofeedback
Bladder training for urgency
Bowel training for urgency
Constipation management
Fluid and fibre management
Urge suppression
Toileting positioning
Lifestyle modification to reduce symptoms of urgency, prolapse, and incontinence